Company presentation and history
FILO d.o.o. was established on 13.4.2010. It started with the production of filled wire in rented premises in Maribor. Due to the successful following of the company’s vision and at the same time monitoring the needs of the market, sales have been constantly increasing over the years. In 2012, due to increased demand, there was a need for larger production facilities, so production moved to its current location in Ruše (Tovarniška cesta 51). Initially, the company operated in rented premises, and in 2015 it also became the owner of its production premises. Since 2015, intensive investments have been made in the modernization of production for the production of cored wires. In 2015, 2-shift work was introduced. In 2016, the company introduced a third shift due to increased demand. In 2017, the company open Branch office on the border with Italy. In 2019, the company invested in the production line L300 where we increased our quality and output to 500t per month.
The company’s vision is to increase its market share in the European market and become an established exporter to the global market.